Data quality in monitoring plant species richness in Switzerland.
Waldindikatoren zur Artenvielfalt: Erkenntnisse aus LFI und BDM.
Altitude modifies species richness–nutrient indicator value relationships in a country-wide survey of grassland vegetation.
Assessment of land use impacts on the natural environment. Part 2: Generic characterization factors for local species diversity in Central Europe.
Beiträge zur bryologischen Erforschung der Schweiz – Folge 1.
Biodiversität von Kuhdunginsekten und anderen Weidebewohnern nicht korreliert.
Biodiversity Monitoring in Switzerland: What can we learn for general surveillance of GM crops?
Biodiversity monitoring in Switzerland.
Biodiversity promotes primary productivity and growing season lengthening at the landscape scale.
Connecting biodiversity monitoring with soil inventory information-A Swiss case study.
Das Biodiversitätsmonitoring der Schweiz. Methoden und Ergebnisse am Beispiel der Mollusken.
Decreasing nitrogen deposition rates: Good news for oligotrophic grassland species?
Developing the Swiss mid-infrared soil spectral library for local estimation and monitoring.
Die Artenvielfalt des durchschnittlichen Dauergrünlands der Schweiz. Ein Vergleich zu naturschutzfachlich wertvollen Wiesen und Weiden.
Die mitteleuropäischen Datenbanken im Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD).
Disentangling the effects of climate, topography, soil and vegetation on stand-scale species richness in temperate forests.
Distribution patterns of soil microbial eukaryotes suggests widespread algivory by phagotrophic protists as an alternative pathway for nutrient cycling.
Effects of habitat configuration on biodiversity along gradients of forest cover on the Swiss Plateau
Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors Shape Major Bacterial Community Types Across the Complex Mountain Landscape of Switzerland.
Fortschritte in der Floristik der Schweizer Flora (Gefässpflanzen). 69. Folge (Vergleiche des Verbreitungsatlas mit den ersten Daten 2001-2003 des Biodiversitätsmonitoring Schweiz).
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