Beta diversity of plants, birds and butterflies is closely associated with climate and habitat structure.
Sown wildflower strips for insect conservation: A review: Wildflower strips for insect conservation.
A DNA barcode reference library for Swiss butterflies and forester moths as a tool for species identification, systematics and conservation.
Biodiversitätsförderflächen: Vögel und Tagfalter profitieren von der Fläche und Qualität.
Common species determine richness patterns in biodiversity indicator taxa.
Different roles of concurring climate and regional land-use changes in past 40 years’ insect trends
Distinct spatial patterns of genetic structure and diversity in the butterfly Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) inhabiting fragmented grasslands
Environmental predictors of species richness in forest landscapes: Abiotic factors versus vegetation structure.
Erste Resultate zu den Tagfaltern im Biodiversitätsmonitoring Schweiz.
Estimating sampling efficiency of diurnal Lepidoptera in farmland.
Estimation of required sampling effort for monitoring the possible effects of transgenic crops on butterflies: Lessons from long-term monitoring schemes in Switzerland.
Host plant availability potentially limits butterfly distributions under cold environmental conditions.
How do local habitat management and landscape structure at different spatial scales affect fritillary butterfly distribution on fragmented wetlands?
Impacts of climate change on Swiss biodiversity: An indicator taxa approach.
Impacts of urban sprawl on species richness of plants, butterflies, gastropods and birds: Not only built-up area matters.
Impacts of urbanisation on biodiversity: The role of species mobility, degree of specialisation and spatial scale.
Increasing the proportion and quality of land under agri-environment schemes promotes birds and butterflies at the landscape scale.
Invasive plants threaten the least mobile butterflies in Switzerland.
Landscape-scale effects of land use intensity on birds and butterflies.
Mobility costs and energy uptake mediate the effects of morphological traits on species’ distribution and abundance.
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