List of scientific publications

The negative effects of habitat loss on biodiversity are undisputed, while the effect of habitat configuration, i.e., the spatial arrangement of habitat area, has been debated for decades. To develop…
99 Schweizer Bäche wurden anhand der beiden Bioindikatoren Fische und Makrozoobenthos untersucht. Die Mehrzahl der Bäche zeigt wesentliche Defizite beim ökologischen Zustand. So fehlen beispielsweise in über 70% der Gewässer…
We need landscape-scale approaches to design and manage agro-ecosystems that can sustain both agricultural production and biodiversity conservation. In this study, yield figures provided by 299 farmers served to quantify…

Biologische Gewässerbeurteilung im Klimawandel

by Vorburger, C., Khaliq, I., Ramampiandra, E. C., Narwani, A., & Schuwirth, N.

Als Folge des Klimawandels etablieren sich immer mehr wärmeliebende Arten in Schweizer Gewässern. Da wirbellose Kleinlebewesen als Bioindikatoren für die Qualität von Fliessgewässern dienen, könnte diese Entwicklung die biologische Gewässerbeurteilung…
Die Gewässerstruktur und Wasserqualität der Schweizer Fliessgewässer sollen durch Bestimmungen des Gewässerschutzgesetzes verbessert werden. Langzeitdaten der beiden schweizweiten Monitoringprogramme NAWA und BDM zeigen, dass bereits gewisse Auswirkungen auf die Makroinvertebraten…

Can we harmonize the monitoring of plants and pollinators?

by Porcher, E., Bonnet, P., Damgaard, C., De Frenne, P., Deguines, N., Ehlers, B.K., Frei, J., García, M.B., Gros, C., Jandt, U., Joly, A., Martin, G., Michez, D., Pescott, O.L., Roth, T. and Waller, D.

Pollution, climate change, and shrinking habitats are driving major changes in flowering plant and pollinator populations. These include shifts in local abundance, population extirpations, range shifts, altered community composition, and…

Advancing forest inventorying and monitoring

by Ferretti, M., Fischer, C., Gessler, A. et al.

Forests are under pressure and going through rapid changes. However, current inventorying and monitoring (IM) programs are often either disjointed, too narrow in their scope and/or do not operate at…
Rising temperatures are leading to increased prevalence of warm-affinity species in ecosystems, known as thermophilisation. However, factors influencing variation in thermophilisation rates among taxa and ecosystems, particularly freshwater communities with…
We adopted a landscape-scale approach to analyze the genetic patterns (diversity, structure, and differentiation) of the Marbled White (Melanargia galathea). This butterfly species is characteristic of semi-dry grasslands, which have…

Geochemischer Bodenatlas der Schweiz

by Reusser, J. E., Siegenthaler, M., Winkel, L. H. E., Wächter, D., Kretzschmar, R. & Meuli, R. G.

Reusser, J. E., Siegenthaler, M., Winkel, L. H. E., Wächter, D., Kretzschmar, R. & Meuli, R. G. (2023). Geochemischer Bodenatlas der Schweiz: Verteilung von 20 Elementen in den Oberböden. Agroscope…
Bryophytes provide key ecosystem services at the global scale such as carbon storage and primary production in resource limited habitats, but compared to vascular plants knowledge on how these organisms…
Context The effects of landscape structure on biodiversity may change with the spatial and temporal scale at which landscape structure is measured. Identifying the spatial extent and temporal scale at…
Two commensal species of Chironomidae (Diptera, Nematocera) new for the Swiss fauna. − Hosts and habitat of the commensal chironomids Dratnalia potamophylaxi (Fittkau & Lellák, 1971) and Epoicocladius ephemerae (Kieffer,…
Daten zur zeitlichen Entwicklung der Vielfalt wirbelloser Kleinlebewesen in Fliessgewässern verschiedener Kantone werden den nationalen Datensätzen BDM und NAWA gegenübergestellt. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen zeigt sich eine auf kantonaler und…
Background Local floristic diversity has massively decreased during the twentieth century in Central Europe even though in the 1990s diversity began increasing again in several regions. However, little is known…

Different roles of concurring climate and regional land-use changes in past 40 years’ insect trends

by Neff, F., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Rey, E., Albrecht, M., Bollmann, K., Cahenzli, F., Chittaro, Y., Gossner, M. M., Martínez-Núñez, C., Meier, E. S., Monnerat, C., Moretti, M., Roth, T., Herzog, F., & Knop, E.

Climate and land-use changes are main drivers of insect declines, but their combined effects have not yet been quantified over large spatiotemporal scales. We analysed changes in the distribution (mean…
Several studies have found that increased nitrogen (N) deposition leads to a decline in species richness in semi-natural grasslands, mainly due to the loss of species typical of nutrient-poor soils.…

Blue and green food webs respond differently to elevation and land use

by Ho, H.-C., Brodersen, J., Gossner, M. M., Graham, C. H., Kaeser, S., Reji Chacko, M., Seehausen, O., Zimmermann, N. E., Pellissier, L., & Altermatt, F.

While aquatic (blue) and terrestrial (green) food webs are parts of the same landscape, it remains unclear whether they respond similarly to shared environmental gradients. We use empirical community data…
Recently, a plethora of studies reporting insect declines has been published. Even though the common theme is decreasing insect richness, positive trends have also been documented. Here, we analysed nationwide,…
The population size of the Song Thrush has increased considerably in Switzerland since the mid2000s. At the same time, an increase in the abundance of landsnails was found in the…

Hotspot Special Edition

Cover of the Hotspot special issue on 20 years of biodiversity monitoring in Switzerland.

The Hotspot special edition on 20 years of BDM shows who works behind the data and highlights current developments in biodiversity.

Methodology guides

The methodology for the field and laboratory work is described in detail to ensure a standardised procedure. The corresponding methodology documents are publicly accessible.