BDM Reports
Since 2003, Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland (BDM) has been systematically recording butterflies in 450 areas of one square kilometre. This means that four complete survey periods of 5 years each are now available. This small anniversary was taken as an opportunity to present the current population trends for the monitored species in a report (German and French): a PDF can be downloaded here..
A report from 2014 summarises the concept behind this programme of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN in a straightforward and comprehensive way.
An analysis based on BDM data reveals expected changes in Switzerland’s butterfly species diversity if temperatures actually were to rise 2°C by 2050 as forecasted. The status report on “The State of Biodiversity in Switzerland” summarizes findings by Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland after five years of surveying. Status: May 2006
Switzerland takes particular responsibility for species whose ranges are largely located in this country. As shown by an analysis of data gathered by Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland (BDM), such species are primarily found in the Alps.Status: October 2011
The amounts of airborne nitrogen deposited nationwide surpass the critical load of affected habitats on roughly 58% of Switzerland’s expanse. There is close congruence between the distribution patterns of nitrogen deposits and mean nutrient indicator values of the vegetation. Status: December 2011
Analyses of BDM data show that typical mountain plants have been extending their ranges to even higher altitudes. Generally speaking, heat-loving vascular plant species are moving into regions that used to be too cold for them. Status: March 2012
As shown by BDM research comparing areas characterized by very high butterfly species diversity with Switzerland’s Federal Inventory of Dry Grasslands, dry grassland provides particularly valuable habitats for many butterfly species. Status: August 2012
Recent analyses of BDM data suggest that depending on species ecology, plant species diversity is developing along diverging lines. For example, originally non-native plant species are expected to increase, since both climate warming and expanding settlement areas are favouring them. However, native species diversity is likely to wane, given that climate warming and changes in land use are having a negative impact on this species group. Status: June 2013
The report provides an overview of the sampling design used in Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland (BDM) and is intended for experts in the field of monitoring. The report shows why which methodological approaches were chosen for the BDM sampling design. Status: January 2024