Use our data!

BDM is happy to make the raw data that it has collected available to interested organisations for further use. This requires a data usage agreement.

Data usage agreement

Would you like to use raw data from the BDM for your own analyses? We are happy to make this data available. You must sign a data usage agreement in advance. Please send us the following information:

  • Name, organisation and full address
  • Specification of the desired data (e.g. monitoring network, species groups and desired time period)
  • Brief description of your project, including the planned analyses

After receiving your enquiry, we will contact you promptly to discuss the data usage agreement and data export. Thank you for your interest!

Please send us your enquiry by email or post to:

Hintermann & Weber AG
Ökologische Beratung, Planung und Forschung
Austrasse 2a
CH-4153 Reinach
Phone 061 717 88 88
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Hotspot Special Edition

Cover of the Hotspot special issue on 20 years of biodiversity monitoring in Switzerland.

The Hotspot special edition on 20 years of BDM shows who works behind the data and highlights current developments in biodiversity.

Methodology guides

The methodology for the field and laboratory work is described in detail to ensure a standardised procedure. The corresponding methodology documents are publicly accessible.


Collection of all scientific publications with BDM data.

Current findings

BDM's current findings are available on the FOEN website, in the section on environmental indicators.
