The Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring Scheme (BDM) records the diversity of butterflies on 482 systematically distributed transects of 2.5 km length all over the country. The first standardized overview of the species’ diversity was achieved with the completion of the first recording period (2003–2007). In total, 188 butterfly species were recorded. Mean species diversity per transect was 32.1. Mean species diversity was highest in the Alps (39.0 species per kilometer-square), whereas it was lowest in the Plateau Area (18.8 species). The BDM contributes important data on the spatial-temporal occurrence of common and moderately rare species. It is not designed to monitor rare or local species. The systematic survey contributes important faunistic data especially for the higher altitudes. To exemplify the results, three species (Aphantopus hyperantus, Cynthia cardui and Coenonympha arcania) are discussed in detail.

Altermatt, F., Birrer, S., Plattner, M., Ramseier, P., Stalling, T. (2008). Erste Resultate zu den Tagfaltern im Biodiversitätsmonitoring Schweiz. Entomo Helvetica 1: 75-83.