Plants, Birds and Butterflies: Short-Term Responses of Species Communities to Climate Warming Vary by Taxon and with Altitude.
Rarefaction theory applied to satellite imagery for relating spectral and species diversity.
Recent shifts in plant species suggest opposing land-use changes in alpine pastures.
Scale and trends in species richness: Considerations for monitoring biological diversity for political purposes: Monitoring biological diversity.
Selection of Multiple Umbrella Species for Functional and Taxonomic Diversity to Represent Urban Biodiversity: Selection of Umbrella Species.
Spatial and temporal scales of landscape structure affect the biodiversity-landscape relationship across ecologically distinct species groups
Spatial modelling of ecological indicator values improves predictions of plant distributions in complex landscapes.
Spatio-temporal land use dynamics and soil organic carbon in Swiss agroecosystems.
Species turnover reveals hidden effects of decreasing nitrogen deposition in mountain hay meadows.
Spectral rarefaction: Linking ecological variability and plant species diversity.
Spread of common species results in local-scale floristic homogenization in grassland of Switzerland: Floristic homogenization in Swiss grassland.
State-of-the-art practices in farmland biodiversity monitoring for North America and Europe.
Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring BDM (Z9 Plants).
Temporal changes in the Swiss flora: Implications for flower-visiting insects
The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): A new resource for vegetation science: Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD).
The unseen species number revisited.
Thermal niches are more conserved at cold than warm limits in arctic-alpine plant species: Thermal limits in arctic-alpine plants.
Thermophilisation of communities differs between land plant lineages, land use types and elevation
Top predators as indicators for species richness? Prey species are just as useful: Predators and biodiversity.
Tracking the state of forest biodiversity - Why? How?
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